Business Advice Tasmania assists organisations to develop better board governance and gain an understanding of the role and responsibilities of the board and the people and processes that make up the board.
Boards vary from organisation to organisation in many characteristics. However, there are common principles and issues which apply to all Boards. Boards should be focused on developing the organisation to meet the needs of their stakeholders.
Board members are required to have a clear understanding of what the Board does and what the board member’s roles and responsibilities are. Many of the characteristics of good governance are relevant to SMEs, Public Companies and Not for Profit Organisations.
Business Advice Tasmania help Boards develop their processes and improve their efficiency through:

Board Training
Business Advice Tasmania facilitates Board Member Training programs. Board Governance Training Programs are tailored to suit individual organisation’s needs and situations, the topics covered include:
- Governance Processes
- The Board’s Role & Purpose
- Board Member Roles & Responsibilities
- Board Structure & Composition
- Skills & Abilities of Board Members
- Conflicts of Interests
- Financial Responsibilities
- Board Dynamics
Board Governance Training programs can run for a day or we can deliver a Certificate IV in Governance. We recently developed and delivered the TASCOSS Sustainable Leadership Program, where participants who successfully completed were awarded a Cert Iv in Governance and a Cert IV in Business.
Do you need to book a board governance training program tailored to your organisation?
Board Governance Performance Evaluations
It is important for board members to understand there is never any activity that cannot be improved, boardrooms and boards are not perfect.
Most people are subject to performance evaluations in the workplace, the board should be subject to evaluation. Board evaluations can produce very effective outcomes. Evaluations assist with:
- Bringing forward ideas
- Identifying and utilising board member’s talents
- Improving board’s operating processes, in order to better use time and energy
- Refocusing on the organisation’s core business
Business Advice Tasmania develops tailored fit for purpose board evaluation processes that are:
- Clear
- Have proper purpose
- Robust & use organisational appropriate methodology
- Simple & straightforward
- Focused on improving learning & development
- Good return on investment
- Designed to see the board reflecting & improving